Access Keys:

Scoil Naomh Fionán Rennies, Belgooly, Co. Cork
Scoil Naomh Fionán Rennies, Belgooly, Co. Cork

Indicators which may suggest a child is being bullied

Indicators which may suggest a child is being bullied

Physical Indicators

Unexplained bruising, cuts etc. 

Loss of/ damage to personal property 

Hunger or thirst 

Frequent minor illnesses, headaches, tummy 


Loss of appetite

Obsessive behaviour re physical appearance/ weight 


Requests for extra money

Emotional/ Psychological Indicators  

Outbursts of anger, temper, irritability at home  

Bullying brother and sisters, parents  

Well behaved child suddenly troublesome

Signs of depression  

Changes in: mood, appetite, sleep pattern  

Tiredness, neglect of appearance  

Expressions of sadness, worthlessness  

Nightmares/crying at night  

Restless, dangerous, wild, disruptive behaviour  

Cynicism, black mood  

Implied or overt threats of suicide

School Related Indicators

Reluctance to go to school, wanting to be accompanied

Returning in bad form 

Changing route 

Avoiding certain days/lessons 

Nervousness in class 

Punctuality problems 

Poor concentration 

Deterioration in school work

 Expressions of hopelessness 

Fewer phone calls/ friends calling/ invitations 

Reluctance to take part in activities 

Abusive phone calls, texts, emails