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Scoil Naomh Fionán Rennies, Belgooly, Co. Cork
Scoil Naomh Fionán Rennies, Belgooly, Co. Cork

News - Curious Minds

2022/2023 School Year

The boys and girls in senior infants enjoyed exploring if items would float or sink....
The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, using fun tutorials...
Zebra class ( 2nd and 3rd) had great fun doing a maths trail around the school...
We were very lucky to have the Maths Works Mobile from Life Time Lab in Cork visit...
The Lion class (6th class) did online chess tutorials and enjoyed playing their classmates....
The boys and girls in Junior infants are looking after the birds during the winter....
Junior Infants went on an Autumn nature walk.  The boys and girls examined the...
Junior Infants learned all about how animals living in colder climates stay warm. ...
The zebra class (2nd & 3rd) investigated chemical reactions by making lava...
22nd Jan 2023
Lion Class (6th) designed and made an insulating cup. They were given a choice of...